In order to answer your request as well as possible, we like to know you more... To ensure your diving in Huahine 🌞 , book 30 days in advance and get 5% discount. You will receive your promotional code. (Refund possible in case of justified concerns, in full if 15 days in advance, minus payment fees). Name & First name * Your email address * Phone Activity desired : Exploration divesDiving schoolPrivate divesSnorkeling First Date of these activities? Click to choose a date Calendar doesn't work? Number of people? If you are a diver, please specify: Your level(s)? Number of dives made? Date of arrival in Huahine? Click to choose a date Calendar doesn't work? Where will you stay in Huahine? Date of departure from Huahine? Click to choose a date Calendar doesn't work? More info? Δ